

Nowhere in the Midwest are the arts more intertwined with the life of a community than Door County. The natural splendor, exquisite landscape, culture, and creative energy of the Peninsula have attracted artists and art-lovers for nearly a century. From painters and sculptors to performers and musicians to poets and writers, the Door peninsula has been home to countless creative types, and they’ve more than left their mark. They’ve created a vibrant and robust arts scene that continues to expand with every year. In her book titled ‘Door County’s Art History,’ the late historian Lorraine Mengert writes, “There was a time in Door County before art galleries, but there was never a time that people couldn’t appreciate the beauty of the peninsula. When the snow melted from the fields and the pink and white blossoms popped on the trees, the temptation was there to record it…”

Today, the Door is a treasure trove bursting at the seam with fascinating art galleries, attractive and inspiring venues, museums and individual artist studios, which are of particular interest since many are hidden, tucked away off the county’s main traveled roads. Whether a discerning collector, visual or performing artist, art appreciator or visitor who simply enjoys browsing, amazing finds and experiences can be had from taking in a variety of exciting exhibits or performances to the thrill of purchasing, or through the immersion in the creative process itself.

Learn more by reading this article from the Door County Pulse: A Look Back at Door County’s Art Appeal